Why do we need to project instead of yell? Yelling uses vocal cords, which can get damaged if overused. Projection uses breath from the diaphragm and uses air to create the volume you want. How do I know if I’m yelling or projecting? If your diaphragm is not doing the work of creating volume, your vocal cords are – something has to do the work. If you keep yelling, your throat will start to feel sore. Projection has a depth to the sound. It tends to have a slightly deeper pitch and a rounder, more complex sound. Yelling sounds flat with a higher pitch. How do I learn to project my voice? Breathing from the diaphragm is key to learning how to project. This means you are expanding the space above your belly button and below your ribs with air and using this to push the sound out. The ‘ha’ exercise is one that works very well to practice this. You take a big breath in – expanding your lungs down and your abdomen out – and then you force all that air out on the sound “ha.” This exercise is built for projection. You are using all your air at once, on one sound, so you can force that sound out and be really loud with it. Soon yelling will be a thing of the past!
![]() Last week I had the pleasure of being involved in the Sydney and Melbourne Wired for Wonder events as show caller. This meant I was able to hear all of the main stage speakers that had been brought together from all around the world. A free diver, astronaut, healing coach and digital anthropologist just to name a few. The main idea for the 3 days was "polarity" - which meant we experienced contrasting ideas, ways of thinking and even types of presenting styles by the speakers. One thing is for sure. If you are passionate about your idea, you will be able to inspire others with your words. However you need tools and structure to allow your passion to take shape and land on your listeners as you intended. To lift the thoughts off the page and sound as you did at home when you rehearsed. To Powerpoint or not to Powerpoint, that is the question? What to wear - I must have an outfit with pockets to put my hands in cause I don't know what to do with them when I'm speaking! Dealing with nerves that suddenly appear when you are being fitted with a microphone. All these questions and moments can be dealt with prior to the day with a little coaching. I get no greater pleasure than helping passionate people succeed in communicating their ideas and thoughts to others. Today more than ever, we need people who are inspired to talk to us and move us to try new ways of thinking and doing. When I am lucky enough to meet these people, I will do everything in my power to make them successful speakers and presenters. If you have something you are passionate about communicating and need some help - get in touch with us! Thrilled to be a part of the 2016 program of Insight by @The Office Space. https://www.facebook.com/theofficespace www.theofficespace.com.au Jo Mawhinney and Mary Moran and I will be speaking about our perspectives on what it means to be a Woman in Business, and providing individual insights. This coming Monday 21 March, 5.30 – 7pm Get your tickets here: http://ourgoldenage.com.au/film/insight-by-the-office-space-3/ What purpose do stories serve?
Stories give context to information, and help make sense of the world. Without a story, Shrek is just data. Studies show our brains are wired to remember stories and that people retain more information when they can recall the story it was presented in. Learn how to incorporate storytelling into your presentations with The Art of Speaking. "Say What you Mean, Mean What you Say" is a two day course designed to teach you how to align your presentation with your WHY.
Learn how to create content, stay succinct, engage with your audience, respond to questions and adjust to the environment you are presenting in. A valuable course for any professional required to produce and deliver their own content in a variety of structures. Learn how to influence an audience and achieve your objectives when communicating by using a technique actors apply to scripts called Actioning.
"Walk the Talk" may be the course for you. Are you a woman interested in developing her professional voice and physical presence?
"She Means Business" includes sessions on breath support, dealing with nerves, developing a personal brand and engaging and affecting an audience. This is the perfect course for women working on starting their own business through to women looking to improve their existing skills. Get in touch - We would love to work with you. Most people are oxygen deprived and so they are energy deprived.
Symptoms include - Chronic or intermittent fatigue Anxiety and panic attacks Tingling and numbness in arms and legs Chest pains and palpitations Muscular cramps in neck, shoulders and back Stomach upsets, heartburn and gas Feelings of unreality, feeling apart, hallucinations Sleep disturbances, nightmares and night sweats Where are you breathing from? People in all cultures use gestures spontaneously when speaking. When gestures support the message, they enhance your communication; however, when they don’t, gestures are just distracting.
At the same time, if you don’t use any gestures at all, you’ll appear stiff and uncomfortable. Or if you can’t put your hands down, you’ll seem scattered and silly. That’s why so many people ask, “What am I supposed to do with my hands? |